There are many ways to do faceless affiliate marketing. But what is it? It’s just what it sound like: marketing other people’s products for a commission without having to ever show your face. Here are a few cool ways to do it.
- Blogging.
- Podcasting.
- Faceless Videos on YouTube, TikTok, or other social media.
- Instagram.
- Facebook or Google Ads
- Solo ads.
The main point of using YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram is to go viral and get thousands of followers. Then you can advertise your products to them and have a built-in audience. Most people think you have to show your face to do videos, but there are a lot of ways to create videos without showing your face. In fact, you can even use AI to be anyone you want. You just have AI create an avatar of whoever you want to present yourself as. There are a few who are extremely successful. One was even featured in a car commercial earlier this year.
However, if you do go through all the trouble to create a character/avatar to be a version of you, please be transparent. AI can make incredibly realistic people now. Don’t misrepresent yourself in a cynical way to make money. It may work for awhile, but just don’t do it. You’ll feel a lot better being yourself.
Podcasting can work for some, but you have to promote your podcast a lot to make it popular enough to make you money. I did 200 podcasts and never made a penny because I didn’t promote it. I was afraid to spend money. So I didn’t make any money. Lesson learned.
Facebook and Google ads can be a great strategy, but there does seem to be a steep learning curve. Facebook, in particular, is extremely wonky and inconsistent to work with. You can imitate someone else’s ad that was approved and get yours turned down due to “violation of community standards.” etc. Google clicks are downright expensive. You have to have a well-oiled machine in place to profit on the back end.
And this brings me to my favorite method: list-building. You use solo ads to build a mailing list. You usually don’t make any sales on the original contact, because they don’t actually know you yet. In a way, it’s laughable. People will spend $20 for lunch, but they agonize over spending $17 on a low-ticket offer that can help them make money online. It might not make sense to you, but it’s just the way it is. And if you want people to spend money on products you recommend, they need to feel like they know, like, and trust you. This is traditionally called KLT.
So how do you develop KLT? You develop it by providing quality to your list. You want to teach, to inform. And most of all, you want to be ethical. Don’t recommend products you wouldn’t buy yourself. If you knew someone who had a car for sale that was ready to fall apart, would you recommend it to your friends? Of course not, unless your friends were world class mechanics. I don’t make a lot of assumptions, but it is safe to assume most of the people on your list don’t know how to fix crappy products.
If you read this entire piece and only have one takeaway, let it be this: don’t recommend products unless you either use them yourself or would use them yourself. You can fool your list recommending crappy products once, but you aren’t going to fool them twice.
In the last post, I told you I was going to tell you about the ultimate game-changer. That’s exactly what I am going to do now. It is called MAP, or Master Affiliate Profits. They are turning the industry on its head. As of this writing, they are in Phase 2. In Phase 2, they give you the opportunity to become a MAP Backer and have a lifetime Platinum membership for $797. For me, it was a no-brainer. In Phase 3, their model will change to a four-tiered monthly membership. And that $797 will only buy you one year of platinum membership. It’s still going to be a great bargain, but not as great as lifetime membership for the same price.
Anyway, what’s so special about MAP? All you have to do is drive traffic to them and they will market to your leads on your behalf. MAP is a true affiliate marketing eco-system. They literally do everything. It’s a DFY affiliate marketing solution. All you have to do is send traffic. When someone signs up from your link for free, they are hard-coded to you for as long as you are a member. They are basically building your list for you and you are getting paid for it. They are converting at a high level, so you will most likely get paid to build your list. Then you hook up your autoresponder to it and market whatever you want.
If you want to learn a lot more about MAP, I have a free gift for you. It is called the MAP Report. It is well-written and shares a couple of mind-shifting insights that help you if you’re new or if you’re frustrated with other offers not making you as much money as you want. You can find it here.
If you get in on the Platinum level of MAP, you get a lot of other “goodies,” too. One is lifetime access to Omar Martin’s flagship course called “My Unfair Advantage,” which still gives live marketing classes every week. Another is a funnel builder called Convertoolz. Ironically enough, if you just want to promote MAP, you can say goodbye to funnels. But you are going to learn so much inside MAP’s members’ area that you will want to promote other products, too.
I truly think MAP is the singular best affiliate marketing opportunity to come along this year. It’s going to be “evergreen,” but those who get in the earliest are going to have the best results. If you want to get in now as a platinum member, click this link, enter your email, watch the short video, and sign up. But if $797 is too much for you, watch the videos anyway, wait for Phase 3, and get in for anywhere from free to $97 per month.
I would love to see you benefit from this, but I’ll still be here talking about my MAP Journey one way or the other.
Next post, I start the MAP Journey Chronicles.
To Your Success,
Steve T