I replaced the standard WordPress”Hello World” post with a post called “And co the Faceless Affiliate Marketing Journey Begins.” But I consider March 4th to be the true first day of my faceless affiliate marketing journey. I want to tell you how I got here and where I hope I’m going.
Low Priced Affiliate Marketing Products
For years, I tried to half ass affiliate marketing and then exactly the results I got. Go figure. Actually, my results were even worse than half-assed because I didn’t have any results at all. Zero. Nada. Zilch.
Laugh with me if you recognize this pattern, but here is what I used to do. Buy a crappy cheap product. Go through it and say it won’t work for me. Maybe try half-heartedly but stop the minute any obstacles arise. On to the next product. Rinse and repeat.
I Dumped 8K on a Worthless Coaching Product a Few Years Ago
A few years ago, I bought a high ticket program for setting up your own coaching product. I grew up in an alcoholic household and used ACOA insights and techniques to fix myself. I also came up with my own techniques that were more effective.
Somewhere along that journey, about 24 years ago, I discovered Meridian tapping. it would totally change my life and make it really easy for me to get rid of the lingering effects of past emotional trauma.
I developed two brilliant systems for helping people recover and become happy, well adjusted adults. But since I don’t have a PhD after my name, it was hard to be taken seriously. I created a website and podcast called 7 Minutes to Happiness and got roughly 7,000 downloads, but nobody ever bought either of my products. one was priced at a whopping $7 and the other was priced at $97.
So after spending $8,000 for a coaching product and producing a podcast for three years, my sales were still at Zero.
I had my products on three different platforms. I built maybe 10 different funnels, complete with classes, videos, and PDF documents. And nothing worked. So I decided to listen to the market. The obvious message was that nobody wanted to buy what I was offering.
But I did learn some valuable lessons.
If you’re trying to help people fix themselves, it’s almost impossible to reach the right people.
People will consume free product all day, but they usually won’t pay for anything.
It is especially difficult to get people to click a link from a podcast.
People in recovery can have so much denial that they often can’t admit they’re not happy. And nobody pays for help when they think they don’t have to.
You have to have paid traffic to any offer to give you immediate feedback.
You have to have a way to get traffic on demand.
You have to capture emails so you can communicate with the people who need your product the most.
I was avoiding this like the plague
I am a massage therapist and a musician. I love doing both, but neither provides the consistent income I need to secure my future. And neither of them are sustainable as I get older. So I decided to look to the affiliate marketing/ make money “vertical” and see if I could do something there.
At first, I had ethical concerns because I wasn’t sure that making money by telling people how to make money was ethical nor that it made sense. It is quite easy to make fun of. It is even easier to accuse people in the field of being unethical.
But then I realized how grateful I would be if someone actually cut through all the bullshit that is out there and taught me how to make money online. I realized that they would be providing me with the greatest financial service anyone could provide me with right now.
I also realize that there is nothing special enough or charismatic enough about my appearance for me to be one of those lucky people with a million Instagram followers or 8 million tik tok followers on the strength of my face alone. I don’t fit into the viral celebrity mold, so like the other 99% of us who don’t, I knew I had to find a way to make money online that didn’t involve that kind of virality.
Finally: Day One
So I bought an inexpensive product from James Fawcett, who would soon become my mentor. That product also involved Instagram and other social media, but it showed how to do it without showing your face.
Within the product, he provided a link for anybody who wanted direct coaching from him. I talked to him for a bit on Facebook messenger and asked him about his product, called Breakout University. It is a $1,000 product. I was actually quite excited about it but allowed myself 24 hours to make a decision.
I woke up the next day and decided it was a no-brainer for me. There were a couple of reasons for this. First, as I mentioned above, I really needed coaching from someone who would cut through all the crap we see on the internet and tell me what needed to be done.
Second, spending $1,000 on a coaching program when I wasn’t really doing that well financially was not only a great symbolic gesture to the universe, but it was like “burning the boats.” Spending that much money forced me to take it seriously. It forced me to go through all the coaching and do everything he told me to do.
Have I executed it perfectly? Of course not. But on that day, my life changed forever.
If you are reading this right now, it may be because you want your life to change, too. Trust me on this one, the only way that is going to happen for you is if you “burn the boats” and put yourself in a situation where you have to take action.
If you want the kind of small class, personal coaching that I receive from James, just click this link and get started now. Read the document. see what you think. If you think this is for you, click through at the end and talk to james. $1,000 can seem quite expensive, but when you’ve already made it back and then some, it doesn’t seem that expensive at all.
To Your Success,
Steve T